Diet and exercise may be the first things that come to mind when you think about taking care of your heart.
However, what you do overnight counts too.
Sleep deficiencies contribute to many heart conditions, and heart troubles make it difficult to sleep.
Here’s why...
Understanding How Sleep Affects Your Heart
It’s estimated that one third of adults get less than the minimum recommendation of 7 hours of sleep each night.
As a Thinline Hero, you’re probably in that third.
So why does that matter?
Getting less than 7 hours of sleep adds to your risk for heart disease, diabetes, and obesity.
All of which are only magnified with your on the job stressors. Not to mention heart disease, diabetes, and obesity can kill your career.
That’s not what we want for you.
Hell, weneed you to stick around!
But maybe you’re still not sure sleep isreally that important?
It’d be understandable if you thought that. After all, the hustle and grind, stay-up-late, get-up-early culture is real.
Some people even wear lack of sleep like a merit badge.
But before you go boasting about your lack of sleep...
As you can see, sufficient sleep can lower your risk for all kinds of serious medical conditions.
Plus, on the positive side, sleep is when…
But if you’re not getting the quantity of sleep suggested, it's not all bad news.
The quality of your sleep can help offset some of the quantity you may be missing.
That’s why one of our top-selling and most recommended products was formulated to help you sleep longer and deeper.
It’s called Night Shift.
It’s got the ingredients you need to help you get to sleep faster and to sleep better including…
All these ingredients combine to help you get to sleep faster and sleep better.
And when you sleep better, you perform better. Not to mention, you’re probably easier to be around.
That’s good since taking Night Shift could help you stick around on this rock a bit longer.
Click here for more information on Night Shift.
And one more thing, for most people they could get pretty close to their 7 hours if they could just fall asleep faster.
When you take Night Shift a couple of hours before bedtime, it can help you fall asleep faster without making you drowsy like chemical or drug based sleep aids.